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Category: Growth mindset

Education and COVID-19: Staying Out of the Dark Place

Education and COVID-19: Staying Out of the Dark Place

In recent days, I have been in a few different Facebook groups for parents and for teachers who are going to be teaching remotely this fall.  I have noticed that people have very strong opinions on the merits and problems with remote learning.  It’s fine to disagree but some of these discussions are falling into really dark sessions of complaining and blaming.  They also seem to get really political at times. I think that we are all struggling with fear…

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Growth Mindset and the Language of Learning

Growth Mindset and the Language of Learning

Growth mindset has been a hot topic in education for a while now.  Carol Dweck wrote her book Mindset: The Psychology of Success in 2007.  It has been a tremendously influential work and is a must-read for teachers and parents because the beliefs that each of us hold basically steer the ship.  We succeed or fail largely because of our view of the world, our mindset.  Our mindset influences how we deal with life’s difficulties. What is a growth mindset?…

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