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Category: Self Care

Setting Up a Home Office for Remote Teaching

Setting Up a Home Office for Remote Teaching

Setting up a home office when you are teaching remotely can be a real game changer.  Home, at least my home, can be full of distractions.  It is really important to set up an environment that supports meaningful and engaging learning experiences.  This may be a serious step out of your comfort zone, but by paying attention to a few key factors, you can make remote learning work well for teacher and students.  In my opinion, this goes hand-in-hand with…

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Making Teacher Self-Care a Priority

Making Teacher Self-Care a Priority

Why Self-Care is Important I am slowly working my way through The Distance Learning Playbook by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie.  The first section of the book is on the fact that teacher need to practice consistent and intentional self-care.  In my opinion, this is just as important for homeschooling parents and parents of distance learners.  It’s super easy to get so busy working that you forget to rest, eat healthy meals, work out, and maintain social connections….

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