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Tag: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Questioning Strategies That Enhance Learning

Questioning Strategies That Enhance Learning

Great questions are central to a great lesson.  I sometimes begin a lesson by asking students a really interesting question to get them thinking.  Teachers also use questioning to figure out when students understand what they are learning, especially during guided instruction when kids are trying out something new with the teacher there to help.  This is an important part of the “I do, we do, you do” model.  During the “we do” part, a student’s responses let the teacher…

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Bloom’s Taxonomy for Parents

Bloom’s Taxonomy for Parents

Bloom’s taxonomy has been a part of teacher education for many generations of teachers.  Benjamin Bloom and a group of colleagues first developed the taxonomy in 1956 to describe a hierarchy of educational goals.  The broad base at the bottom of the diagram above represents lower-level thinking.  As you go up the pyramid, the level of thinking increases in complexity and depth. Understanding the different levels can be a help to parents as they work on activities with kids. The…

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